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Event Scheduling Guidelines

Effective classroom scheduling is critical to the mission of West Virginia University and the Office of Facilities Planning and Scheduling (FPS). These guidelines have been developed to ensure that courses, special events, and general purpose classrooms are scheduled efficiently, effectively, and in the best interest of student participants, faculty and staff.

Scheduling Priorities and Expectations for General Purpose Classrooms

Scheduling priority will be given in the following order:

1) Credited courses and final exams that request the use of a general purpose classroom.

2) Special events including academic and University events separate from credited courses. These may include study sessions, make up exams, lectures, faculty meetings, trainings, student group special events, club activities, etc.

Event Scheduling Guidelines

A. There are no “guaranteed” spaces for special events other than credited academic courses and their final exams.

B. All event requests must be submitted by a faculty or staff member of WVU. External candidates cannot request general purpose classrooms without a university sponsor. Student groups must go through the Office of Student Activities staff in the Mountainlair to request the use of a general purpose classroom space. Call 304-293-4397 or email

C. The office of Facilities Planning and Scheduling (FPS) reserves the right to grant, adjust or deny room confirmations based on priority needs or misuse of requested rooms and scheduling guidelines.

D. Organizations and faculty must check for classroom availability before submitting an event/classroom request.  Availability and reservations for general purpose classrooms can be submitted by using the 25Live event scheduling system: (See “Requesting an Event” for more information)

E. All special event requests must be submitted with 48 hours of the event. Requests submitted with less than the minimum required lead time of 48 hours have a high probability of not being scheduled and confirmed in a timely manner due to the high volume of University-wide event requests.

F. Requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Event reservations for upcoming semesters will be filed away and processed in the order in which they were received starting approximately 1 month prior to the start of that semester.

G. Spring and Summer semester reservation requests – processing begins first day of early registration

H. Fall semester reservation requests – processing begins first day of early registration

I. Saturday and Sunday reservation requests (not impacting courses or final exams) may be processed earlier at the discretion of FPS

J. If you wish to receive an exception to these date guidelines, please email with a detailed description of why this event request must be processed earlier than usual.

K. Events will not be processed during Finals week of any semester. Once all final exams have been scheduled and assigned a space, reservation requests may be processed.

L. Use of any general purpose classroom for special events requires confirmation from the scheduling office. Event confirmation will come via email form as an attachment. Bring your confirmation with you during your scheduled event. This confirmation verifies that your event was successfully and officially scheduled.

M. It is against University policy to use classroom space without official confirmation or permission. If an instance occurs where a room is being used without a confirmed reservation, the following steps will be taken:

First instance – written warning to individual, copy in SLI coordinator
Second instance – written warning to individual, copy in SLI coordinator and chair
Third instance – written warning to individual, copy in SLI coordinator, chair, and assistant or associate dean

Directory of General Purpose Classrooms

Here you’ll find room features, locations, and pictures of room set-up for general purpose classrooms.

Requesting an Event

  • Click here for instructions and process for using and navigating 25Live.
  • 25Live training is an ongoing service the FPS offers throughout the year for faculty and staff. If you are interested in attending a training session, or require help using the event scheduling system, contact

Technology Requirements, Access and Support

The University is making a continuous and conscious effort to update and equip every general purpose classroom with technology. Not all of the general purpose classroom spaces in the Evansdale or Downtown campus have technology installed. Additionally, there are varying degrees of technology features in general purpose classrooms across campus.

  • To view the technology available in these rooms click here
  • If you request a technology equipped classroom and need access and training on how to use the technology properly, please contact one of the below based on your specific need:

1) If you wish to use the installed technology in a Statler College IT equipped classroom or computer lab facility, please contact Statler College IT at (304)293-0090 or check for equipment access and training.

2) If you wish to use the installed technology in a iDesign equipped classroom or computer lab facility, please contact ITS-CET at call 304-293-2832 (Downtown and Evansdale) or 304-293-7335 (HSC) or Login to the WVU IT Help Center:

3) Armstrong 206 and 219 are computer labs that are locked at all times. You need to contact Brian Powell at to ensure that you are set up with access to unlock the classroom door and to use the student computers.

4) Woodburn Hall 116 is a computer lab that is locked at all times. The person who will physically be using this room at the confirmed reservation time needs to contact Julie Frum at (304)293-7405 ext 5218 or to ensure that he or she has received access to unlock the classroom door. Access will not be given with-out proof of confirmation for use of this room.

Additional Requests

If you need additional changes to the general purpose classroom, including getting tables moved or layout changes, please contact Facilities Management at (304)293-HELP (4357) or visit
We cannot move or rearrange the furniture for General Purpose classrooms.